
Being passionate about finance and familiar with using Facebook Prophet for time-series forecasting, I decided it’d be a fascinating project to investigate the profitability of a bitcoin trading strategy relying solely on Facebook Prophet. There are many great reads about Facebook Prophet used to predict bitcoin price (e.g. here), but I haven’t found a post anywhere that would fit the model every day, make trades based on the output and backtest this strategy. Let’s start this exciting journey by importing the relevant libraries and reading bitcoin data, for which purpose I’m using yfinance:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yfinance as yf
from prophet import Prophet
from datetime import date, timedelta
import time

BTC_Ticker = yf.Ticker("BTC-EUR")
df = BTC_Ticker.history(period="max")

OpenHighLowCloseVolumeDividendsStock Splits
2014-09-17 00:00:00+00:00359.546204361.468506351.586884355.9573671638916600
2014-09-18 00:00:00+00:00355.588409355.505402319.789459328.5393682669184900
2014-09-19 00:00:00+00:00328.278503330.936707298.921021307.7611392956010300
2014-09-20 00:00:00+00:00307.665253329.978180303.931244318.7589722873682600
2014-09-21 00:00:00+00:00318.120514321.504517306.502197310.6324462070262500

Visualising Bitcoin Price

First, let’s visualise how the price of bitcoin evolved over time:

plt.title('Close Price', fontsize=24)
plt.plot(df.index, df['Close'])
plt.xlabel('date', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('EUR', fontsize=18)

Using Prophet

Prophet is an algorithm that requires very little preprocessing of the data. The crucial thing is to have a DataFrame with columns ds and y that correspond to the date and bitcoin price respectively. Let’s get our dataset ready for the model:

df = df.reset_index()
df['Date'] = df['Date'].dt.tz_convert(None)
df = df[['Date', 'Close']].rename(columns={'Date':'ds', 'Close':'y'})


Once the data is in the right format, one simply needs to initialize the model, call the method fit to train the model, and call predict to obtain predictions. Prophet decomposes the time series into a trend (growth), seasonality and holidays. Hence, the fitted function at time $t$ has the following form,

$F(t) = g(t) + s(t) + h(t)$

with $F(t)$ corresponding to time series, $g(t)$ to trend (growth), $s(t)$ to seasonality and $h(t)$ to holidays, all at time $t$. Prophet also enables us to visualize all the fitted components. Let’s fit Prophet to bitcoin data and plot the forecast with all the individual components:

# Initialize, fit and predict
model = Prophet()
forecast = model.predict(df)
# Plotting
Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.

Initial log joint probability = -47.9972

    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
      99       5480.64     0.0345595       1112.91      0.4977      0.4977      113   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     199       5795.68     0.0329451        442.34           1           1      219   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     299       5866.61     0.0264562       319.987           1           1      325   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     399       5959.81     0.0101434       285.108           1           1      441   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     499       5999.46     0.0172371       377.168      0.7975      0.7975      555   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     599       6017.58     0.0488912       283.515       0.714     0.00714      676   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     635       6045.24   0.000613113        444.19    1.74e-06       0.001      755  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     699       6074.63      0.010214       335.249           1           1      831   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     799       6084.61     0.0034403        189.16      0.5584      0.5584      946   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     860       6088.51   0.000333973       206.597   4.755e-06       0.001     1067  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     899       6088.99    0.00171561       120.455           1           1     1114   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     999       6089.36   0.000318154       64.6902           1           1     1238   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
    1099          6090    0.00289375       122.439           1           1     1356   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
    1199       6090.64   0.000378302       84.7257      0.2467           1     1470   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
    1299       6090.86   1.45953e-05       87.7132           1           1     1595   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
    1399       6090.99   0.000383709       79.3343           1           1     1717   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
    1425          6091   3.43693e-07       70.7321       0.605       0.605     1751   
Optimization terminated normally: 
  Convergence detected: relative gradient magnitude is below tolerance

Note that uncertainty around the prediction is also shown on the graph. I’m not going to dive here more into the details of Prophet. The algorithm has excellent documentation and there are already plenty of articles that describe in more detail what’s happening behind the curtains (e.g. here). Let’s now move on to the core: coding the script that will use the output of Prophet to trade bitcoin.

Developing Backtesting

Before diving into the code itself, let me first walk you through the main concept. I’m going to iterate through dates and for each date I’m going to train the Prophet model for all data available up to this date. Since Prophet runs Bayesian model, it also provides us with uncertainty intervals: yhat_lower and yhat_upper. I’m going to make use of those uncertainty intervals: If yhat_lower of the last datapoint in the trainset is higher than the actual price at the time of the last datapoint, then the model suggests that bitcoin is undervalued. Therefore one should take a long position (buy the asset). A contrary argument can also be made when yhat_upper is lower than the price. Then bitcoin is overvalued and we should sell the asset (take a short position).

Let’s first implement the buy-and-hold strategy which will serve as a benchmark. The code snippet below calculates the profit obtained each day by holding the asset. Let’s also add the function that gets cumulative profits and daily returns:

def add_cumulative_profits_and_returns(df):
    "Add cumulative profits and daily returns to df."
    cum_profit = [1]
    for index, row in df.iloc[1:].iterrows():
        cum_profit.append(cum_profit[-1] * row['profit'])
    df['cum_profit'] = cum_profit
    df['return'] = df['profit'] - 1

def buy_and_hold(prophet_df, start_date, end_date):
    "Return a list of daily profits from buy and hold strategy."
    prophet_df_train = prophet_df[(prophet_df['ds'] >= str(start_date)) & (
        prophet_df['ds'] <= str(end_date))].set_index('ds')
    result = pd.DataFrame((prophet_df_train['y'] / prophet_df_train['y'].shift(
    result['type_of_trade'] = 'long'
    result.loc[str(start_date), 'type_of_trade'] = 'no_position'
    result.columns = [['profit', 'type_of_trade']]
    return result

Let’s start building the code that will backtest the abovementioned strategy. Let’s code the function that will store the results:

def initialize_dataframe(start_date, end_date):
    "Intialize empty dataframe with dates to store profits and types of trades."
    index = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq='D')
    columns = ['profit', 'type_of_trade']
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns)
    # Initialize first day as no_position
    df.iloc[0] = [1, 'no_position']
    return df

Now let’s get the functionality that will fit the model and get predictions for a given trainset. Note that we’re going to keep refitting the model with new datasets where the new dataset will consist of the previous dataset and an additional row of data. Unfortunately, Prophet doesn’t allow the user to update the model with new data. However, the next model can start its search with the parameters obtained from the previous run, which Prophet calls warm-starting. Let’s use this functionality and test later how much it impacts the results and how much time it saves.

def stan_init(m):
    """Retrieve parameters from a trained model.

    Retrieve parameters from a trained model in the format
    used to initialize a new Stan model.

    m: A trained model of the Prophet class.

    A Dictionary containing retrieved parameters of m.

    res = {}
    for pname in ['k', 'm', 'sigma_obs']:
        res[pname] = m.params[pname][0][0]
    for pname in ['delta', 'beta']:
        res[pname] = m.params[pname][0]
    return res

def get_forecast(prophet_df_train, model, warm_starting):
    "Intialize the model, fit, and get forecasts."
    if warm_starting and model:
        # Use warm-starting
        init = stan_init(model)
        model = Prophet(), init=init)
        # Fit from scratch
        model = Prophet()
    forecast = model.predict(prophet_df_train)
    return model, forecast

Finally, let’s code two more functions: One that will execute the strategy given the output from the model and one that will go through all the dates, execute the relevant functions and then store the results. I also added an optional argument to allow for short-selling.

def execute_strategy(allow_short, price_today, price_tomorrow, forecast,
    """Implement the strategy.
    If price in day `x` is lower than `yhat_lower`, that means that
    bitcoin is undervalued and long position should be taken.
    The opposite is also true.
    Short-selling is allowed if `allow_short` is set to `True`."""
    # Getting price and `yhat_lower` and 'yhat_upper' for 'today',
    # which corresponds to the the latest day in training data
    lower_forecast_today = forecast['yhat_lower'].iloc[-1]
    upper_forecast_today = forecast['yhat_upper'].iloc[-1]
    # Take a long position if `price_today < lower_forecast_today`
    if price_today < lower_forecast_today:
        # Trade, append profit from the trade
        profit = price_tomorrow / price_today
        type_of_trade = 'long'
    # Take a short position if `price_today > upper_forecast_today` 
    elif allow_short and price_today > upper_forecast_today:
        profit = price_today / price_tomorrow
        type_of_trade = 'short'
        profit = 1
        type_of_trade = 'no_position'
    # Set profit and type of trade under 'tomorrow' as then the profit would appear in our account
    tmr = forecast['ds'].max() + timedelta(days=1)
    df_profits.loc[tmr][['profit', 'type_of_trade']] = [profit,type_of_trade]

def prophet_main(prophet_df, start_date, end_date, allow_short, warm_starting):
    """Iterate through dates, train the model and execute strategy."""
    # Intialize empty dataframe to store profits
    df_profits = initialize_dataframe(start_date, end_date)
    # Intialize model as None
    model = None
    # Iterate through dates
    for date in pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date - timedelta(days=1)):
        # Prepare training dataset
        prophet_df_train = prophet_df[prophet_df['ds'] <= str(date)]
        # Get price corresponding to the last day of training dataset
        price_today = prophet_df_train['y'].iloc[-1]
        # Get price corresponding to the day after the end of training dataset
        price_tomorrow = prophet_df[prophet_df['ds'] == str(date + timedelta(days=1))]['y'].iloc[0]

        # Obtain forecast
        model, forecast = get_forecast(prophet_df_train, model, warm_starting)
        # Execute strategy
        execute_strategy(allow_short, price_today, price_tomorrow, forecast,
    return df_profits

Time has come to execute the results. For backtesting, I’ll use the period from 2021-09-10 to 2022-09-10. The following strategies will be backtested:

  1. Buy-and-hold

  2. Prophet without short-selling and without warm-starting

  3. Prophet with short-selling and without warm-starting

  4. Prophet with short-selling and with warm-starting

start_date = date(2021, 9, 10)
end_date = date(2022, 9, 10)

first_strategy = buy_and_hold(df, start_date=start_date,
second_strategy = prophet_main(df, start_date=start_date,
start_time = time.time()
third_strategy = prophet_main(df, start_date=start_date,
time_no_warm_starting = time.time() - start_time
start_time = time.time()
fourth_strategy = prophet_main(df, start_date=start_date,
time_warm_starting = time.time() - start_time


The code snippet below shows that warm-starting resulted in a three-fold decrease in execution time:

print(f'Time of implementation without warm-starting\n{time_no_warm_starting}')
print(f'Time of implementation with warm-starting\n{time_warm_starting}')
Time of implementation without warm-starting
Time of implementation with warm-starting

Let’s visualise the cumulative profits of all strategies:

plt.legend(['First Strategy', 'Second Strategy', 'Third Strategy', 'Fourth Strategy'])
plt.ylabel('Cumulative Returns')

Very bad! It seems that none of the strategies is able to significantly outperform buy-and-hold strategy. I also calculated Sharpe Ratio to evaluate the strategies:

def get_sharpe_ratio(df):
    return df.mean()['return'] / df.std()['return']

def get_cum_return(df):
    return df['cum_profit'].iloc[-1]

def get_results():
    d = {'first_strategy': [np.nan, np.nan],
         'second_strategy': [np.nan, np.nan],
         'third_strategy': [np.nan, np.nan],
         'fourth_strategy': [np.nan, np.nan]}

    results = pd.DataFrame(d, index = ['Sharpe Ratio', 'Cumulative Return'])

    for i, df in enumerate([first_strategy, second_strategy, third_strategy, fourth_strategy]):
        results.iloc[0, i] = get_sharpe_ratio(df)
        results.iloc[1, i] = get_cum_return(df)
    return results
results = get_results()
                   first_strategy  second_strategy  third_strategy  \
Sharpe Ratio            -0.039000        -0.042728       -0.034329   
Cumulative Return        0.483036         0.499654        0.542867   

Sharpe Ratio             -0.030970  
Cumulative Return         0.564605  

The Sharpe Ratios are consistent with the graph above: Strategies based on Prophet are not significantly better than the buy-and-hold strategy. But there’s also some light: The strategies don’t seem to be significantly worse than buy-and-hold. There are plenty of improvements that could be tried here. First of all, I fitted the most basic model that is based on the time-series itself and uses no external factors. It’s quite a common approach to use the Twitter sentiment as a predictor and it has been proven to provide a lot of predictive power (e.g. here). Secondly, one can tune the hyperparameters of the model. There’s even a discussion on how it can be done in Prophet documentation. Thirdly, my trading strategy was based on uncertainty intervals from the output. However, there’s no real justification for this strategy and many alternative strategies could have been used instead. I hope to find time to try out those ideas but for now, this is it! I hope you enjoyed the read and also learned new things.